"Elijah, you are three. Three is little. I am four. Four is big."
In his mind four is very, very big. Big enough to boss your brother around; big enough to carry you baby sister across the room (until Mom catches you and flips out); big enough to question your mother; big enough to do anything that your teenage aunts and uncle can do. He was frustrated yesterday when we took a walk, and he couldn't manage to push the (very heavy) double stroller more than a few yards.
The problem is, when I try to talk with my mom about the difficulties of raising a bossy oldest and dealing with his arrogant sin issues, I get no sympathy. Hmmm... I wonder why.
Sorry, I'm with the non-sympathizers. You used to boss ME around, and I was six months older! lol... I bet Isaiah is quite the fun little drill sargeant :). I'm very impressed you're blogging AND taking photos with THREE kids! No other child of ours will ever get nearly the media coverage that Elaina manages to get :). Fortunately, she's blissfully unaware that she's a blogstar, and it hasn't gone to her head yet! I just hope I'm halfway as together as you are with three kids by the time I get there! - Caroline