Thursday, May 10, 2007

Uncles of the Dangerous Kind

My brother, Josiah, loves to try to sneak sugary foods to Adriana, flip my boys up high in the air, and oblige pretty much whatever request my kids have. He feels that his title as "Uncle" means a license to do this no matter what I say. So I guess I should have been more worried when he watched my boys at his table during Christine's rehearsal dinner so that Steven and I could enjoy a kid-less meal.
This is why not to leave your 20-year-old brother with a camera and your children:

I've been assured by Josiah that he merely used root beer and my son's acting skills for this photo shoot.


  1. Elijah did have quite a headache the next day...

  2. You forgot to tell about the expresso episode. I still find it hilarious that he spit the expresso into Josiah's water. Paybacks can happen.


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