Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shooting {my life right now}

Hopefully in a week or two, life will have slowed down just a touch so that I can wrap up the current series and do some real blogging. But until then, "My Life Right Now" continues...

Sitting in my home looking out at the "slightly damp" (as my husband sarcastically refers to it) ground outside. And feeling uber grateful for Miss Hurricane Sandy not arriving until after I'd finished 9 photo sessions over the weekend. Because fall= family photos.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Looking & Smiling {my life right now}

For our dossier we're required to submit two family photos, no more than a year old, with all six of us "looking at the camera and smiling." Or so the directions say.

Problem one:
Total number of photos I've taken this past year of our life= 900+
Total number of photos I've taken this past year of all six of us= 0

Problem two:
Well isn't it obvious?..."looking at the camera and smiling." *snort*

So Sunday we pulled out the camera...

Someone can take it up with my two-year-old if they're really feeling like being stickler's about that looking/smiling bit.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Surprise Visit {my life right}



Saturday, October 20, 2012

My REAL Fur Baby {my life right now}

Don't be fooled!




Friday, October 19, 2012

My Fur Baby {my life right now}


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adoption Celebration {my life right now}

Injera, doro wett, and tibs- if you understood those words you've probably enjoyed cuisine from our future daughter's native country. And if you have tasted it, you can understand my niece's anxiousness to dig in.

We finally enjoyed a belated "Start of the Adoption Celebration" with my family.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Make-shift End Table {my life right now}

"One of these things is not like the others..." (as sung by Sesame Street in your head)


Until our dossier is in to Ethiopia, this is as unpacked as it's getting.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Boy Entertainment {my life right now}

If you're a 10 year old boy, what's not to love about having a box of jelly beans whose flavors range from cherry to earthworm to banana to earwax...






Don't be fooled by his face. He was a having a blast.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Squeaky Shoes {my life right now}

Me: "Ava, you must obey."
Ava: "It's too late."
Me after catching her emptying her aunt's bathroom cupboards: "AVA!"
Ava: "Uh, I better clean this up."
Me: (correcting Ava for another one of her shenanigans)
Ava (repeating something she hears her siblings say to each other): "You not my mom!"
After lipstick on the duvet, $15 worth of downloads on her aunt's phone, a call to her other aunt's lawyer, and multiple pantry break-ins, my two year old is now being put in shoes that squeak every time she steps so I can monitor her location at all times...


I love that kid.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting Fingerprinted {my life right now}

The girl in front of me wanted to know how her DUI would affect her record.

The girl behind me wanted to know how to get a mis-demeanor off of her record.

I just want another daughter.


Monday, October 1, 2012

A Third Cup of Joe {my life right now}

Justifications for over-caffeinating one's self...

"At least this is a legal way to get through a paper pregnancy."
"I have a two-year-old."
"Each cup is like an extra hour of sleep."
"I'll eat extra veggies for dinner."
"I have a two-year-old."
"My head says 'no' but my heart says 'yes'."


A New Series {my life right now}

If I thought my life was full up until now, it wasn't.

This past month has redefined the word "busy" in my life. And while I'm not a fan of having this much on my plate, I'm resting in the fact that God has me where He wants me and that this is a season. But for right now, in the midst of a season that involves homeschooling, teaching a photography class, lots of fall photo sessions, an adoption paper chase, and a house with bare walls and unpacked boxes all on top of the usual day to day priorities, I'm trying to cut out any unnecessary time constraints. And this dear blog has fallen into that category. However, I thought that instead of fully abandoning any form of documenting our lives right now, I'd just start a new series that will keep any posting short and sweet. I'll call it "My Life Right Now" (you can fault my sleep-deprived brain for lack of creative naming), and almost all postings for the next 6-8 weeks will simply consist of photos documenting what up in the Sieb household. So my somewhat lame writing skills will have to be put on the shelf for right now, and I'll let the camera do the talking.

Ready, set...go.