"I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you shown your servant."
I was freshly reminded that my bad attitude was like telling God that I deserved better. And yet I deserve none of this- not the loving husband, the children I adore whom God is using to work in my heart, not the home I have or the church I love, not the extended family that cares for us or the faithful friends- none of it. And if all those things were stripped away, I still have far more than I deserve. I have a Savior who rescued me from the dark slavery to my sin and who made me right with God. The Holy Spirit convicted me this morning to look at my not-so-easy job of mothering with fresh eyes. When my child is throwing the tantrum, I want to remind myself that I don't deserve to the gift of that little person in my life and the grace that God is at hand to provide.