I'm convinced that there is an entire section of Murphy's Laws that were lost. It's the section for mothers. You know, the one that includes laws like:
- Your children may have been silent for 15 minutes, but the moment the phone touches your ear they will all have something urgent to say.
- Your child will vomit on/wet the bed the day after you finally washed the sheets.
- Your children will be helpful gems the morning that you have time to spare and terrors the morning that you're running late.
- If your baby spits up during a midnight feeding, the sour milk will magnetically find its way to your pillow.
Yeah, that section. And there's a whole sub-section about projects:
- Science experiments will never work.
- Plan for twice the time and triple the mess you expected when doing art projects.
The last art project we did was making a Star Wars ship out of an egg carton. I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It looked easy, and I knew the boys would get a kick out of it. Fifteen minutes, I estimated. Thirty max. Can you hear the "wrong answer" button going off: ERRRRRR! An hour later to the tune of "This Is Taking So Loooong" with the added pleasure of a crying baby, paint had made it's way to nearly every visible part of my children, and I turned around to find that it had even made it onto my couch. I love you, OxiClean Spot Remover!
But I was out shopping last week and came across fabric crayons. They called to me: "I'm a fun project. Pick me. Pick me!" And I did. As we began, I got the sinking feeling that I may have been duped again.
But guess what? They were fun! For Mommy too! Sure, it took awhile; but with only a small mess and super happy children. At the end of it, the kids were ecstatic as their personally designed shirts emerged from under the iron. And I even heard myself say, "We should do this again." *gasp* Miracles do happen!
Here are my proud pajama-top designers: