Monday, July 19, 2010

Peter Pan

A couple of weeks ago, Adriana was talking about seeing her 18 year old second cousin at an Easter party.

"He was sooo handsome, and he made me laugh."

Wait, what?!!? Don't we have at least five years before I have to deal with this kind of stuff?

We also love the way she prays for her sister.

"Dear God, thank you for our new brand baby."

And last night proved to be another classic Adriana moment. She watched Peter Pan, one of her favorite movies, at my parent's house. After it was done, she climbed up on their pool table and jumped off. My brother reminded her that she was not allowed to climb up there. She was beginning to get frustrated.

"But I'm trying to fly!"

He chuckled and played along.

"Adriana, you have to have pixie dust to be able to fly."

Now fully distraught and totally serious, she cried, "There are no fairies in this house!!"

She ran upstairs to Steven and I. At this point she was sobbing uncontrollably, and we had no idea what had happened or why our daughter was beside herself. It took awhile to calm her to the point that she could explain what was going on.

"I just want to fly!"

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