Monday, January 14, 2013

My Latest Craving {goji berry mix}

Goji berries are supposed to be one of the super-est of superfoods, the Chuck Norris of the fruit world. Why? Bursting with antioxidants and anti-aging compounds, vitamins, immune-boosting elements, and even protein, these little bad boys are considered one of the most nutritionally rich foods on the planet.


However, here was my honest problem: I wasn't in love with them. They fell under what my husband calls "law of diminishing returns foods". You know, those foods that taste pretty good with the first few bites but get less appealing with each passing munch? Still, they weren't bad; so knowing their benefits, I snacked on them here and there. But I wanted to find a way to actually like them, to truly want to eat them.

Then, the other morning, after an especially potent cup of coffee, I had a very rare light bulb moment in my kitchen. What if I mixed this and that? Wouldn't the salty flavor compliment the rich flavor that would compliment the sweet flavor? And, guess what, my did! Just three simple ingredients, and now I'm headed to my pantry for a snack looking for those goji berries.


Goji Berry Snack Mix

I simply mixed equal parts of:
How simple is that!? The flavors blend together beautifully. And I dare you to find a more nutrient rich snack mix. And I can practically hear my body thanking me when I skip over the packaged snack and take a handful of this. And for a split second, I think I hear Chuck Norris' voice...okay, time for that second cup of coffee.

Budget note: I find that buying the goji berries in bulk online is much cheaper than in the store.

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