Wednesday, August 8, 2007


In the same way that boys and sticks go together, boys and boxes are a perfect match. In our house, boxes that need to be discarded hang around for a few days so that my boys can build, art-canvas, and bounce them to death. The "gourmet bell pepper" crate box that we acquired from Costco was an extra treat. It was a nice size and sturdy: perfect for them to push their sissy around the house with squeals of girly laughter as a reward. Then they hatched another plan. After being caught and forbidden to sled down our stairs, I overheard one of them saying, "This will be great!" As all my mommy sensors went on warning, I peaked around to find them about to use the box to sled off the cupboards that sit below our bookshelf (a 3 ft. drop). I stopped their arm-breaking attempt, and decided that a creative outlet for this sledding idea was needed. Thankfully our neighborhood has lovely hills:
Although hot chocolate is the traditional post-sledding choice, a frozen treat seemed to better fit the bill:

To finish this post off, here are a couple of recent kid quotes.
Knowing that I was making ribs for dinner one night, Elijah asked, "Mom, are you cooking ribbons?"
Elijah saw vehicles turning down the street that we take to our hair dressers and asked, "Why are all those cars going to get their hair cut?"
Finally, our personal favorite (though not at the time). Isaiah was talking to his Great Grandmother on the phone and innocently asked, "So, have you tipped over lately?"

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