Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Questionable Theology

We had some interesting and askew theological discussions going on today at lunch. The first was an argument between my sons. Elijah was saying that "Daddy is holy" while Isaiah insisted that such an idea was untrue.
A little farther into lunch, we were having our mini lunchtime bible story and verse. Often, Steven and I ask the boys catechism type questions such as, "Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?"
To which they answer, "To pay the punishment for our sins!"
Another question is, "What do we have to do to be saved?" (Answer: "Repent and believe.") Today, I phrased the latter question in a slightly different way since we were talking about heaven and hell. I instead asked Isaiah what we must do so that we don't have face our punishment in hell.
His answer?
"We don't die!"

1 comment:

  1. Theological discussions with preschoolers at lunchtime - this is the stuff good blogs are made of.


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