Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Yin and Yang of Homeschooling

Since my eldest began kindergarten, we have been homeschooling. We now do a combo of homeschool and co-op school. It seems that most people who choose other schooling methods feel the immediate need to explain to me why they don't homeschool. So let me say from the outset that I don't believe there is only one right way to school your children. It's a child by child, parent by parent decision. I really mean that. I have no sort of superiority complex (if anything it's a frequent fight against an inferiority complex!). Lord knows that for us it's a year by year decision my husband and I make. When people ask if I plan to homeschool right through high school I tell them that I only have faith for this year, and I'll worry about the next when we get to it.

Okay, now that that uncomfortable first paragraph is over, on with the post...

Ahhh, homeschooling.

Some days are like this...

...only maybe add in a toddler throwing a fit and some whining (Mom included).

And some days are like this...

As I heard one mom say, "Homeschooling involves lots of tears. Either I'm crying because it's so beautiful or because it's so hard."

Today was mostly beautiful.






  1. It is so true, homeschooling involves tears. I'm glad today was beautiful around there.

  2. Sounds exactly like something my mom would say :)


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